Prôtos 700X Evoluzione

Ein exotisches 8S-Setup, das mit knapp 5kg und 5Ah knapp 12 Minuten Flugzeit ermöglicht. Übersicht der Komponenten Mechanik Prôtos 700X Evoluzione (gebraucht, Ebay)Rotordurchmesser = 1.577 mmLänge = 1.757 mm 492 € Regler+BEC YGE Saphir 155 LVTBEC: 8,4V 12,5-25ADrehzahl = 1.050 – 1.800 rpm 275 € Motor Leopard LC700-690KV Sondermotor @ 22Z Ritzel5,4kW, max. 133A, Timing=6°, […]

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DIY LiPo Stick Packs

Manchmal ist es eine Herausforderung Akkus in den Helis unterzubringen, ohne dass sich Steckverbinder verfangen oder die Balancerkabel in Mitleidenschaft gezogen werden. Stickpacks können hier ein Lösung sein, welche Ihre Sichtweise auf den Heli völlig verändert. Nicht immer sind Stickpacks in der gewünschten Konfiguration erhältlich. Dieses Tutorial beschreibt, wie man sich kurzerhand selbst einen baut, […]

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RTKLIB precision edition

Replaced simple residual ratio test by an F-TestAs soon as level of significance raises above α>85%, RTK solution type will change to the fixed state. I updated the ratio check to reflect a minimum of statistical hypothesis testing, well-knowning that state of the art is a Generalized Integer Aperture Estimation for Partial GNSS Ambiguity Fixing […]

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Kontaktverfolgung mittels OpenOlat

Mit Release 15.3 der quelloffenen, web-basierten Software OpenOlat steht seit knapp einer Woche ein sehr gutes, einfaches Tool zur Kontaktnachverfolgung zur Verfügung. Einen guten Überblick über die Funktionsweise vermittelt das bei Youtube von der Firma Frentix verlinkte Video.In der Praxis funktioniert das wie folgt:1) Zunächst ist in der Software im Modul Kontaktverfolgung ein Standort anzulegen.2) […]

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Small Business Web Application Server

VISIONSetup a web application server which runs OpenProjekt, Wekan and OpenOlat. Planninga) Use VirtualBox as virtualization host for a virtual machine running a well-supported, server linux distribution.b) Make use of available package repositories to implement the required services.c) Use of a compressed BTRFS-Filesystem, secured by automatic online-snapshots.d) Each service should be accessible via it’s own […]

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L2 Frequency Exploration

As mentioned earlier, a dual frequency GNSS receiver is a nice piece of hardware, but the surrounding equipment must also match. So if using Tallysman TW2712 antenna you will only be able to receive L1 frequency: Fortunately, I found a used Maxtenna M1227HCT-A2-SMA at low cost (45 €) on Ebay. As expected, the L2 frequency […]

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Continuously Operated GNSS Reference Station B35OD

Nearly nine months ago I was fascinated by the possibility of high precision position measurements using the GNSS real time kinematics technique.However I struggled with the missing driver support for my ultra-low-cost-receiver. I took this as an opportunity to improve my C language coding skills and created my first GitHub repository by forking Tim Everetts […]

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U-Blox M8T vs. Datagnss HD9310

Recently the price for the Allystar HD9310 based dual-frequency GNSS receiver dropped significantly. Compared to the well-known single-frequency U-Blox M8T receiver, the price difference is less than 50 $. Both of them are not available on the european market.In order to rule out an antenna-specific influence on the measurement results, both receivers should share one […]

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Added SiRF-Support to RTKLIB

In my last post I wrote about the opportunities of GNSS receivers based on the low cost SiRFstar chipset in comparison to the well known and famous U-Blox chipset.It seemed hopeless to wait for Mr. Illarionov to update his six year old code base and also Mr. Everett seemed to have other priorities regarding his […]

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